2024 Retail Stallholder Booking
Dapto Country Show 2024
Service Description
📢 DAPTO COUNTRY SHOW📢 Saturday 28th September (10am - 5pm) THE 167TH ANNUAL DAPTO COUNTRY SHOW IS GOING TO BE A CRACKER!!! The family focused show will offer a huge display of baby animals, sheep shearing, cow milking, pony rides, Live Reptiles shows, free kids’ activities, kids rides and sideshow alley, wood chop competition, horse events and much more! 🐮 🐴🦆🏍️ 🤡 TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Application will not be accepted if copy of up to date Public Liability Insurance Policy is not provided 2. Entry to the Groundz for set up is permitted on Saturday from 7.00am to 8.30am, 28th September and stall holders will be able to exit the Groundz from 4.30pm Saturday, 28th September. 3. Exhibitors using electrical equipment must ensure that an earth leakage circuit breaker is fitted 4. All electrical leads for tools and appliances must have been inspected and tagged by a licensed electrical contractor. Any exhibitor who does not comply with requests from our electrician will not be allowed to exhibit at the Dapto Country Show. 5. The Society cannot guarantee that a similar stall holder will not be present at the Show, but will make every effort to ensure mapping 6. Location of the stall will be determined by the Society and determined based on space and access to services. A location map will be provided one week prior to show. 7. limited powered sites, please advise if power is required this will be at a charge of $100 on top of stallholder fee.

Contact Details
89-99 Princes Highway, Dapto NSW, Australia